Sunday, November 22, 2009

Have you seen my Nike+?

Ok, so for any of you who know me well, you know that I'm dang near ADDICTED to running with my nike+ for my ipod. I don't like running even a single MILE without it. Well for the last week or so, my nike+ was missing. I looked high and low, EVERYWHERE, and could not find this thing. It was killing me because a) it really helps me track how much I need to be running in comparison to what I am running and where I'm falling short or going too far and b) these runs are long and I want to build my runner's street cred in the nike online community... hehehe. That's not a lie. I print out every award I get from Nike, its kind of pathetic, but kind of fun for me. Yes, I'm a nerd.

Well, good news, the nike+ is back. Today I found it hiding in between two magazines on my nightstand. Shocking, I know. I'm a complete magazine fiend and I have about 20 subscriptions. So thank god and jesus because I am back in business and logging my runs again. I'm not going to lie though, I wish I could figure out how to add my mileage from last week. I know that's a little anal and weird, but I'm very upset that I won't get credit for them! GRRR!

Soooo anyways, today's assignment is a six mile run. I'll let you know how I do because I'm about to go complete it right now!

xo, c

ps, I'll be doing a length posting later about goal-setting. I've been working on it forever and its finally finished! whoohoo!

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