In my quest to become a better, faster, stronger runner, and just try to keep up with my running buddy, Christine I have added nutrition to my training plan. About a year ago Sleeping Giant wanted to go raw. Get your mind out of the gutter; it is a way of preparing food without killing it. I’m not talking about meet here, veggies only. I laughed at him and made funny faces when I would sample a raw recipe.
Recently Christine has been reaping the benefits of being almost completely vegan! Way to go, I wish I had that much discipline. Christine’s switch to the green side inspired me to revamp my eating habits. While I’m not ready to go cold turkey (ha ha ha) and give up meat completely or become a strict vegan, I did start looking for some small changes that I can make to become healthier overall.
For the last month or so I have been doing one of the most important things you can do for yourself, that is drink more water. I feel better and don’t need as much caffeine to keep me going throughout the day. In fact, I’m down to just a cup of coffee on the way to work. I know my body is adjusting because if I go a day without drinking my full two quarts of water I can feel it, and if I do drink caffeine late in the day I have trouble falling asleep.
I also read Food Rules by Michael Pollan also the author of the popular book Omnivore’s Dilemma. Pick up one or both of these books if you are looking for some inspiration to eat better. I know they changed my whole perspective on food. Some of the food rules I’m following:
1. Don’t eat cereal that changes the color of your milk
2. Snacks, sweats, and meats only on days that begin with the letter S
3. If you want something “bad” make it yourself – the rule says not to deprive yourself, but if you want something like French Fries, don’t drive through the nearest drive through, make them at home. The principal being that you will eat a lot less French fries if you know how hard it is to clean, peel, cut and fry a potato.
Just some food for though!
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