So here's a random question for everyone, do you take any daily vitamins/supplements that I should know about? I know there are a million different things available for joint health,
I seriously have the worst taste in my mouth in regards to the whole vitamin thing, literally. When I was pregnant with Addy and had to take prenatal vitamins, I wanted to puke every time I took them... and yeah, I pretty much stopped taking them because they made me so sick. So, because of that bad experience, and because I'm usually pretty lazy about stuff like this, I decided to not really worry about taking any vitamins. I always kind of figured that I would get all of the nutrients I needed from the food I ate. Well when you live on Ben & Jerry's and buffalo wings for nine straight months, you begin to realize, hmmm maybe I'm not getting all the nutrients that I should be getting... hmmm... let me ponder that.
Well, I pondered for awhile, I'm no longer suffering from pregnancy-induced morning sickness or prenatal vitamin nausea. So yeah, my kid is almost four years old now and I feel like I'm ready to take vitamins again. Wow, such a risk-taker.
So anyways, here's what I take:
Acai Vitamin Super Chews
Trader Joe's Gummy Multivitamins
Now you'll notice these are both gummy-ish vitamins. That's because I like candy. I'm sure acai supplements are available in regular pill form and I know they sell acai juice at Wal-Mart because I buy it there all the time. I don't really know why I take these, I just saw "stay mentally sharp" and "healthy hair and nails" and I bought them. Typical Christine impulse buy. I can't get much sharper than this, really.
My multivitamin is from Trader Joe's. I love them. Addy takes gummy kids vitamins from Target but I prefer the TJs brand for myself because they're shaped like flowers and they taste better.
I should probably be taking Viactiv because I have bad joints, but I don't. I would feel really old if I started taking calcium supplements before my 30th birthday. But maybe I should. Tell me all your secrets. How do you get your vitamins?! :)
xo, c
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