In no particular order...drumroll please...Christine's "Sparklies"
“My Way” by Frank Sinatra... I love Frankie tunes, but this is a personal fave. My Nono loved this song too, so it has sentimental value.
A personal mantra... Some people choose a motivational quote, a Bible verse, etc... Choose one that means something to you and repeat it to yourself when you feel like ending it all, perhaps during a verbal altercation with your three year old daughter while running the hills of San Diego.
Any email from Banana, lululemon, Sephora, etc... that says, "Thank you for your order, Christine. Your [
Aviators... These sunglasses make anyone look smokin' hot. I love them. I rock aviators everyday!
Cleaning/Organizing a cupboard or closet... I have no idea why I like doing this so much, but for some reason I do. I'm totally becoming so
My sister... Sure, we are sisters and we still have our share of
Any of the Mari Winsor pilates DVDs... Pilates will help improve your posture and lots of other things and the Winsor Pilates series (old, new, current) are some of the best out there. I love Mari!
Diet Coke... warm/cold, can/bottle. I get a little chill down my spine when I crack my first DC of the morning. After I've already had two cups of coffee, natch.
The street I grew up on... Ok remember when we you were a kid and everyone made up their pornstar rockstar name and it was always the name of your first pet (Coco, the wonderdog) followed by the name of the street you grew up on (Paradise Lane), COCO PARADISE. Thank you Mom and Dad for planning that so perfectly. That aside, I do love going to see my old house in Arizona and I love seeing the homes where my parents grew up in Wisconsin. Ok, that was a really stupid "sparkly."
Meeting someone with the same birthday... One of my girlfriends is my birthday twin (June 10) and I love sharing my special day with her, but I also love hearing about other June birthdays. Love my Geminis!
The finish line of any race... It could be a local 5k or the Olympic Marathon, regardless, I get a full-body rush watching the athletes finish the race. All that hard work, courage, and determination paying off. Definitely a good "sparkly."
Trader Joe's Soy Creamy Cherry Chocolate Chip... if I had to choose between eternal love or this ice cream, I'd choose the ice cream, because then I'd have both! I love this stuff!
A nice
Any celeb sightings of the A-list variety... If you know me at all, you know I love celebs. And if you don't know me,
Vegan Cupcakes from Cupcake Station... I absolutely love treats. And I also love eating raw cake batter (or cookie dough, I'm not picky), so baking and eating cupcakes is a great hobby for me.
Aquaphor... I absolutely love this stuff. If you are a runner, use it to avoid chafing. Not a runner? Use it to make your lips shiny, your cuticles softer, the heels of your feet less gnarly... etc.
Well kiddies, there you have it. My list of "sparklies."
Since this is a running blog, I figured I should let you know I ran two miles at the highschool track last night. I hate running on the track, but sometimes I do it. Ahhhh well, that's it.
xo, c
I always think of Nono whenever I play "My Way" :-) Takes me right back.
ReplyDeleteI love your sparklies my dearest! I'm gonna come up with my own.