One year ago today I took a step in the right direction! After receiving a phone call that I was one of several thousand sales reps being laid-off at Pfizer, I got on the Hal Higdon 30/30 program and started running. Despite losing a job that I absolutely loved, I kept a positive attitude and found a silver lining (8 hours of free time every day = no more excuses for not working out). Whooo! I'm so proud of that! Also, ironically, six hours ago I got a phone call that I'll be interviewing for a pharmaceutical sales job in Atlanta (or HOTLANTA, as I like to call it) in early February! Whooo! I'm so proud of that also!
Les and I have always joked around that we love job interviews ("first dates" as we like to call them) because we love talking about ourselves. I mean, it may be true, (yeah, we did start a blog about ummm, well, ourselves... hehe) but more importantly, and I think she would agree with me, interviews are all about showcasing your self-confidence, personal drive, and most importantly, stunning good looks. OK, I'll stop, you're nauseated. So am I ;)
In reality though, isn't that what its all about? Showcasing your confidence? Doing something you're scared to do? I'll be brutally honest here, I am scared to death of failing! I also HATE asking for help! So I'm petrified to fail, but too independent to ask for assistance. What a great combo! The point of this little rant is this -- for any of you out there who have self-confidence issues, seriously, RUN. I can't even explain what running has done for my confidence, self-esteem, and just my life in general.
I don't know how many of you are familiar with the yoga/running/workout clothing company lululemon (, but they're motto is "Do something everyday that scares you." It sounds silly, but taken literally, I think we can all put those words to work in our own lives! 365 days ago today, I did something that really scared me! In the same 24 hour timeframe, I lost my job and then randomly threw caution to the wind and said to myself, "Ok Christine, you have NO job, but one thing you now have is a TON of free time, get your fatasssss up and start movin'! You just might totally succckkkk at this running thing, but darn it, you have to at least TRY it." And the rest is history!
So for anyone who is reading this saying to themselves "there is just no way I could run ___ miles..." Take it back! Take it back right now! YOU CAN! Trust me sista, if I can do it, you can! I've seen several of my friends take up running over the last year and I am SO PROUD of all of you. I love hearing about your progress, accomplishments, and even failures. I am so proud of each and every one of you for getting out there and doing something that "scared you." Because you know what... the best way to gain a ton of self-confidence is do something that you are deathly afraid to do! Whether it be skydiving, trying a new food, traveling to somewhere you've never been, breaking off a toxic relationship, etc etc etc... we all have our issues... but the moral of the story is that you will only benefit from challenging yourself at a new level personally and emotionally.
And, I can promise you this much, it won't be easy, but you definitely won't regret it :)
xo, c
"IF IT WERE EASY, I'D DO IT!" -- sign on the sidelines of the Arizona Half Marathon ... Les and I were DYING (not laughing, but actually physically DYING) when we saw this sign because the woman holding it was cheering on each and every runner and reaffirming to everyone... its not easy!)
"BEER. FOUR MILES AHEAD." -- another sign at the Arizona Half Marathon right before the GU station (another section of the run where I thought I just might die while thinking to myself, "oh there he is, there's Jesus, that's what he looks like... great to finally meet ya big guy!") held by a woman and she is cracking up everytime she sees a group of runners look at her sign and laugh. I'm determinded to make some really funny signs and hold them at the local 5k races around Mil-town.
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