To make a long story short, this major bout with illness (whatever it may be, a severe cold, H1N1, hypochondria...etc) has prevented me from running since Saturday. I did, however, take a two mile power walk yesterday, I don't know if that counts for anything! I hope it does! Anyways, I'm hoping to be back on the treadmill (running, not walking) by tomorrow or Friday at the very latest. These training weeks are very important to me and I hate missing long runs because it makes me feel like I won't be able to catch up...
So anyways, since I was too sick to run, I figured, what the heck, I'm gonna have some major time on my hands here, and I decided to set the bar fairly high for myself. Check out the week's accomplishments thus far:
- finished making (yes, you read that correctly, MAKING) Addy's Halloween costume
- slept about 75 hours in 4 days
- lived on nachos and ice cream (I always do this when I'm sick. It's like how I justify buying Combos and HoHos whenever I'm on a road trip)
- watched "Finding Nemo" about 80 times
- went tanning one time and proceeded to get a major sunburn (this was was the one time I actually left the house)
- put gas in the car
Whew! What a week! I'm beat.
Catch you all on the flip side. Maybe I'll have something productive to share with you next time! ;)
xo, c
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